Professional Services

Business Development and Team Building

We live in a world where leaders must answer questions like:

  • How do we promote collaboration and productivity while inspiring creativity and innovation?

  • How do we develop organizational health and build resiliency?

  • How do we build high-functioning teams focused on solving real-world problems and business development?

Need coach development and leadership training? Headway can create a custom training program designed to give your managers and team leaders the tools they need to succeed in today’s digital economy.


Training Design and Development

Did you know formal training accounts for just 10% of the learning process? True consolidation of learning and skill acquisition occurs through informal training such as peer-led instruction, mentoring and on-the-job experience.

Today’s digital economy requires workers and employers alike to be life-long learners. Effective training programs require high-level goals set by senior leadership, buy-in from managers and an implementation strategy all centred around a human-centered design focused on the learner and their future needs.

Leveraging over 15 years of instructional design and workforce development, Headway can review your current training systems and work with you to develop learning pathways that maximize your training investment while achieving long-term business resiliency and innovation.